
Image Origin
An origin is any web server or storage which you are using for delivery or storing images. You can configure ImageKit to fetch images from your existing ori...
Mon, 22 Oct, 2018 at 4:10 PM
URL pattern
A URL pattern is any unique, customisable identifier that will appear in your image URL. A URL pattern can contain only alphabets, numbers and hyphens. ...
Mon, 22 Oct, 2018 at 4:38 PM
How is an ImageKit URL constructed (without custom CNAME)?
Here is how a typical ImageKit URL will look like:{imagekit_ID}/{pattern}/{transformation}/{rest_of_the_path} For example https://...
Mon, 22 Oct, 2018 at 5:18 PM
How is an ImageKit URL constructed (with custom CNAME)?
Here is how a typical ImageKit URL with custom CNAME will look like: https://{custom_cname}/{pattern}/{transformation}/{rest_of_the_path} For example http...
Mon, 22 Oct, 2018 at 5:25 PM