ImageKit supports the following file types to be uploaded to the Media Library - 

Supported image types

  1. JPG
  2. PNG
  3. GIF
  4. SVG

Supported non-image types

  1. PDF
  2. JS
  3. CSS
  4. TXT
  5. MP4
  6. WebM
  7. MOV
  8. SWF
  9. TS file (video stream file)
  10. M3U8 (video playlist file for streaming)

Different ways of uploading files to the Media Library

The Media Library comes with a very easy to use interface to upload files. You can simply drag and drop the files in the Media Library section in the dashboard. The file would automatically start uploading. Once the file upload is complete, you will get a URL for that file. 

The other way to upload files is via our upload APIs. These APIs provide you with a programmatic method to upload images and files to the Media Library. There are separate APIs to upload images and files to the Media Library. You get the file URL and other necessary information in the API response if the upload is successful. These APIs have been discussed in further detail in the Upload section of this documentation.